Mike11 ---05---模拟涵洞基本设置
# Mike11 ---05---模拟涵洞基本设置
发布于新浪博客,时间:2009-02-03 21:08:34 原文 (opens new window)
Since a culvert in MIKE 11 is defined as a structure causing a contraction loss, a friction loss (bend loss) and subsequently an expansion loss some constrains are placed on the geometry of a culvert. The geometry of the culvert must be such that the cross sectional area at the inflow is less than the cross sectional upstream of the culvert for all water levels. Similarly the cross sectional area at the outflow end must be less than the cross sectional immediately downstream of the culvert.
Q/h relations must be recalculated if any changes are made to the culverts defining parameters or if the cross sections up- or downstream have been altered.
Level-Width 与Depth-Width的区别是后者为相对深度。
Irregular Level-Width Table: The geometry is specified using a level/width table. Values in the level column must be increasing.
Irregular Depth-Width Table: The geometry is specified using a depth/width table. Values in the width column must be increasing.