Mike11 ---06---模拟泵抽水基本设置
# Mike11 ---06---模拟泵抽水基本设置
发布于新浪博客,时间:2009-02-10 16:38:34 原文 (opens new window)
# 泵抽水模拟
Both pumps operating internally in the river system and pumps with external outlet are included in MIKE11.Pumps with internal outlet increases the local water level whereas pumps with external outlet removes water from the river system.
Start-up Period: Period for changing pump discharge from zero to full. The pump discharge is changed linearly in time.
Close Down Period: Period for changing pump discharge from full to zero. The pump discharge is changed linearly in time.
Fixed Discharge这种模式只与设置的控制水位成线形变化,与前后h点水位没有关系。
Fixed Discharge: Pump rate independent of the local water head expect for the start/stop control.
Tabulated Characteristic这种模式是通过用户设定的Q-dH曲线及上下游水位差来控制的。这里dH为上下游水位差。
Tabulated Characteristic: Pump rate controlled by specified characteristic (Q-dH-curve) and the water level difference between upstream water level and outlet level/downstream water level.
dH, difference between up- and down- stream water level in case of submerged outlet and as the difference between upstream level and outlet level in case of free outlet.
MIKE11 does not allow extrapolation. It is therefore recommended to add limit points to the Q-dH -curve.
The applied Q sign in the "Discharge"- or "Q-dH-curve"- fields controls the pump direction (with or against chainage).