Mike11 ---08---溃坝模拟一般设置
# Mike11 ---08---溃坝模拟一般设置
发布于新浪博客,时间:2009-02-19 21:59:51 原文 (opens new window)
溃坝结构物可以看作是两个独立的结构物组成,即宽顶堰及溃口。在Mike11里两块单独计算,溃口处流体的计算方法有两种,一是Mike11 Energy Eq,一是NWS DAMBRK Eq。设置坝的基本参数,溃坝前顶高程Crest Level,溃坝前坝的长度Crest Length;设置溃坝条件,可以是开始模拟多少时间后开始溃(Failure moment --- hours after start 该选项指在模拟开始时间之后多少开始溃坝,0->开始1个小时后,依次类推)、确定的某个日期时间开始溃、或水库水位达到设定的某一值时溃;
A dambreak structure is a composite structure composed of a structure representing the flow over the crest (Crest flow structure) and another structure representing the breach of the dam.
- Mike11 Energy Eq
Breach failure,采用堰近似方程来计算;Piping failure ,管涌近似方程来计算。二者都须在边界编辑器里指定一个溃口渐变文件,包含溃口底高/底宽/边坡大小。如果是后者还需提供溃口顶高。
Time Step Control,用于改变溃坝后的计算步长(只增加)。It is recommended to use an adaptive time step as an alternative to this feature.
In many cases dam failures occur on a dry river bed downstream. However, such initial conditions should be treated with caution in MIKE 11. Hence, before a dambreak is actually simulated, it is expedient to create a steady-state 'hot start' file which can be used for all subsequent dambreak simulations.
With the hot start file ready, the dambreak simulation can now be carried out. It is suggested that a DELTA value of slightly more than the default of 0.5 be used to damp out short waves which may lead to numerical instabilities.
A time step of the order 1-10 minutes is suggested.